The Diggers were a group of English Protestant radicals who emerged during the English Revolution in the mid-17th century. 

The Diggers’ core belief was that the land should be a common resource, not owned by private individuals or the aristocracy, but instead worked collectively for all in the spirt of mutual aid. 

In 1649, the Diggers, led by Gerrard Winstanley and William Everard, began squatting on common lands in Surrey, England. They started cultivating the land and setting up communal settlements where the produce was shared equally among all participants. The Diggers aimed to challenge the existing social order, which they saw as oppressive and unfair, and to create a more egalitarian society where people could live and work together in harmony.

Despite facing resistance from landowners and the authorities, the Diggers continued their activities for several years. However, their movement eventually faded away due to repression and lack of support. Nevertheless, the Diggers left a significant legacy, inspiring future generations with their vision for a society based on mutual aid and communal ownership.